Rainbows is the coolest, funnest book series about fighting depression, a vibrant/visual tour of over 100 mood turnaround tips you won't find anywhere else. Let's throw in great contributions from today's talented writers, artists and designers plus oddball activities and music playlists and secret codes and downloads and more.

This is how we do it > Each individually published chapter organizes easy mood improvement ideas around a color. For example, the black chapter – the first release – explores everything from blackout poems to blacklight aerobics. The green chapter celebrates the healing power of nature but also of the dollar bill? (Hullo, retail therapy!) Count on me for surprising, fun and practical ideas, some requiring as little as 30 seconds.

Color, in its endless variation of shade and shape, is here for you, always, a reliable friend. I am, too. Let's do this!


EMERGENCY HELP > call 911 or 1–800–273–TALK (8255)  
CRISIS TEXT SUPPORT > txt 741741  
WEBSITES / CHAT > suicidepreventionlifeline.org or spsamerica.org
IN PERSON > visit your nearest emergency room or urgent care center